Syntaxerror: Future Feature Annotations Is Not Defined

Python has evolved rapidly, introducing many features that enable developers to write cleaner and more efficient code. One such feature is ‘annotations,’ which can be enhanced by the __future__ module, a gateway to new functionalities.

However, sometimes when trying to use these future features, developers encounter the ‘syntaxerror: future feature annotations is not defined.’ In this blog post, we will explore what this error means, its common causes, and how to resolve it effectively.

What Are Future Annotations in Python?

Before we dive into the error itself, let’s understand what future annotations are. In Python 3.7 and later versions, PEP 563 introduced the concept of ‘postponed evaluation of type annotations.’

This means that the evaluation of annotations can be delayed until they are needed, which is usually during runtime. This helps avoid issues related to forward references or when annotations require modules that are expensive to import.

Encountering the Syntax Error

The ‘syntaxerror: future feature annotations is not defined’ is an indication that there’s a misstep in the way future annotations are being used in your code.

This error is triggered when the interpreter expects to find a definition for the future feature ‘annotations’ but doesn’t. Usually, this happens due to one of the following reasons:

  1. Incorrect Import Statement: The __future__ import for annotations is either missing or misspelled.
  2. Using an Older Python Version: The annotations feature is not available in versions prior to Python 3.7.

How to Correct the ‘syntaxerror: future feature annotations is not defined’

Let’s break down the solutions step-by-step:

1. Verify Your Python Version

Ensure you are working with Python 3.7 or above since the future annotations feature isn’t available in earlier versions. You can check your Python version by running python --version in your command line.

2. Properly Importing Future Annotations

If your Python version supports it, the next step is to check your import statement. To take advantage of future annotations, you need to include the following line at the beginning of your Python file:

from __future__ import annotations

Make sure that this import statement is placed before any other code, except for the module docstring. This import is essential for instructing the Python interpreter to handle annotations according to the newer standards set by PEP 563.

3. Syntax and Typographical Errors

Even a small typo in the import statement can lead to the ‘syntaxerror’ message. Double-check that you’ve written __future__ with double underscores on both sides and that ‘annotations’ is spelled correctly.

Tips for Smooth Implementation

  1. Consistency Across Your Codebase: Ensure that all modules that rely on future annotations use the correct import statement to maintain consistency and avoid compatibility issues.
  2. Understand the Limitations: Even with future annotations, some use cases, like variable annotations in the local scope, will not benefit from postponed evaluation. Being aware of these can prevent unnecessary debugging.


Handling the ‘syntaxerror: future feature annotations is not defined’ can be a smooth process when you know what to look for.

By ensuring compatibility with your Python version, correctly importing the necessary __future__ module, and being mindful of typos, you can leverage the power of future annotations to enhance your Python projects.