Solving Python’s MIMEImage Display Issue in Email Body

Emails are more than just text. Whether it’s a newsletter or a heartfelt personal note, an embedded image can significantly enhance the message’s impact. Python, with its diverse libraries, has made email handling seemingly straightforward.

However, a common hiccup that many Python enthusiasts face is the perplexing behavior of MIMEImage – specifically when the image does not appear in the email body despite seemingly correct code.

In today’s post, we’re set to explore this challenge and guide you through solutions to ensure that your images embed seamlessly.

Python's MIMEImage Display Issue in Email Body

Understanding the Python MIMEImage Conundrum

Before we dive into solutions, let’s understand the scenario. You’ve used Python’s email library, crafted a message, attached an image using MIMEImage, but upon sending, the image doesn’t appear in the body. Instead, it shows up as an attachment or, worse, is missing entirely.

Key Steps to Embed Images Successfully in Email Body

  1. Correctly Specify the Content ID (CID):Every image you wish to embed needs a unique Content ID (CID). The CID is what you’ll reference in the HTML body of your email to display the image.
img_data = open('image.jpg', 'rb').read()
image = MIMEImage(img_data, name=os.path.basename('image.jpg'))
image.add_header('Content-ID', '<image1>')  

2- Use HTML Body with Proper CID Reference:

Your email’s body should be HTML where you reference the image using the CID.

msg.attach(MIMEText('<html><body><img src="cid:image1"></body></html>', 'html'))
  1. Ensure MIMEImage Comes After MIMEText in Attachments:This might seem trivial, but the order matters. Make sure to attach the MIMEText (email body) before attaching the MIMEImage.
  2. Check Email Client Compatibility:Not all email clients handle embedded images the same way. It’s a good practice to test your email in multiple clients to ensure broad compatibility.
  3. Maintain the Right Image Format and Size:Enormous image files might get ignored or treated as attachments by some email clients. Ensure your images are appropriately sized and in a widely accepted format like JPG or PNG.

Tools That Can Help

While crafting emails with embedded images using pure Python is rewarding, there are numerous tools and libraries like yagmail or services like SendGrid that streamline the process further.


Python’s ability to handle and send emails with embedded images is powerful, but the nuances of MIMEImage can be tricky. By understanding the intricacies and employing the strategies outlined above, you’re well on your way to creating visually rich emails that convey your message with flair.

Note: For a deeper understanding and more advanced functionalities of Python’s email handling, the official Python documentation is a valuable resource.