Solving the ‘ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named ‘_bz2” in Linux

When working with Linux, encountering errors related to Python modules can be a common yet frustrating experience. One such error that many users face is the ‘ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named ‘_bz2”. This issue arises when Python cannot find the ‘_bz2’ module, which is a vital component for handling BZ2 compressed files.

Understanding the ‘_bz2’ Module

The ‘_bz2’ module is a low-level interface to the bzip2 compression library. It provides functionality for BZ2 compression and decompression, allowing Python applications to work with BZ2 file formats. This module is essential for applications that require data compression to save space or for preparing data for network transfer.

Common Causes of the Error

Several factors could lead to the ‘ModuleNotFoundError’ for ‘_bz2’:

  • Incomplete Python Installation: The error might occur if the Python installation is missing certain standard libraries.
  • Missing Development Tools: The ‘_bz2’ module requires the bzip2 libraries and development tools to be present on the system during Python’s installation.
  • Python Environment Issues: Virtual environments or version mismatches between Python and its modules can also lead to this error.

Step-by-Step Solution

Step 1: Install the Necessary Libraries

Before recompiling Python, ensure that the required libraries are installed on your Linux system:

sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev

Step 2: Recompile Python

Once the bzip2 development libraries are installed, recompile your Python installation. This process will vary depending on whether you are using a Python version manager or the system’s default Python.

Step 3: Verify the Installation

After recompiling, verify that the ‘_bz2’ module is correctly installed:

python -c "import bz2; print(bz2.__doc__)"

Preventing Future Issues

To avoid similar module errors, always ensure that the development libraries for any modules you may need are installed before compiling Python. Furthermore, using a version manager for Python can help manage dependencies and prevent version conflicts.


The ‘ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named ‘_bz2” error is a manageable issue that typically requires the installation of the correct libraries and a recompilation of Python. By understanding the module’s role and how to address the problem, users can resolve the issue efficiently and continue with their Python projects on Linux.