Error: Dart Library Dart:Ui Is Not Available On This Platform

Developing with Flutter can be a smooth experience that enables you to create beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

However, like any sophisticated technology, sometimes you may run into challenges. One such hurdle that Flutter developers might encounter is the error message: “dart library dart:ui is not available on this platform.”

This blog post is tailored to guide you through understanding and resolving this issue without disrupting your development flow.

Understanding the Dart:ui Error in Flutter

Before diving into solutions, it’s essential to comprehend why this error occurs. The dart:ui library is a Flutter engine’s Dart library that provides the low-level implementation of Flutter’s UI toolkit.

It is only available when running Flutter applications. If you see this error, it typically means that your code is trying to access Flutter-specific APIs in an environment where the Flutter engine is not available.

Common Scenarios Where This Error Appears

  • Non-Flutter Dart Environments: If you are running Dart code outside the context of a Flutter application, such as on a Dart server or a command-line application.
  • IDE Configuration Issues: Sometimes, your development environment might not be configured correctly for Flutter development, causing it to misinterpret the context of your code.
  • Incorrect Library Imports: Accidental import of dart:ui in a non-Flutter Dart file can also lead to this error.

Strategies to Resolve the Error

Verify Your Project Setup

Make sure that you are working within a Flutter project and not a standalone Dart project. Ensure that your main.dart file is in the correct directory (usually lib/) and that your project structure follows Flutter’s conventions.

Check Your Import Statements

Examine your import statements at the top of your Dart files. If you accidentally import dart:ui into a non-Flutter Dart file, simply remove that import.

IDE and Flutter SDK Checks

  • Ensure Flutter SDK Path: Verify that your IDE is configured with the correct path to the Flutter SDK.
  • Run Flutter Doctor: Execute flutter doctor in your terminal or command prompt to check for any issues with your Flutter setup.
  • Update Your Dependencies: Outdated dependencies can sometimes cause conflicts. Update your pubspec.yaml file and run flutter pub get to get the latest versions.

Environment Specific Code

If you have environment-specific code, such as web and mobile, ensure you’re not importing dart:ui in your web environment. Use conditional imports or separate your project files accordingly.

Testing and Troubleshooting

After making changes, thoroughly test your application in all the environments you plan to deploy to. If the error persists, consider reaching out to the Flutter community for support. Platforms like Stack Overflow, GitHub, and the Flutter Dev Google Group are valuable resources.


Encountering the “error: dart library dart:ui is not available on this platform” can be a frustrating roadblock, but with a methodical approach, it’s a solvable issue.

By understanding the context in which the dart:ui library operates and carefully reviewing your development environment and code, you can navigate past this error and get back to building exceptional Flutter applications. Always remember to lean on the community and official documentation when in doubt; they’re your allies in the development journey.

Keep Learning and Stay Connected

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned Flutter developer, continuous learning is key to mastering the platform. Keep exploring, coding, and connecting with the Flutter community. Together, we can build amazing experiences and push the boundaries of what’s possible with Flutter and Dart.