Solve Error: Cannot Squash Without a Previous Commit

Are you a developer in the throes of version control with Git, only to be stopped in your tracks by the “Cannot ‘squash’ without a previous commit” error during a rebase?

Fear not! This is a common hiccup for many, and today, we’re going to walk through understanding and resolving this error to keep your commit history clean and your workflow smooth.

Understanding the “Cannot ‘Squash’ Without a Previous Commit” Error

What is Squashing in Git?

Before we dive into the error itself, let’s talk about what “squashing” means in the context of Git. Squashing is the process of consolidating multiple commits into a single commit. This is typically done during an interactive rebase (git rebase -i) to streamline a feature branch before merging it into the main branch.

The Root of the Error

The “Cannot ‘squash’ without a previous commit” error usually pops up when you’re trying to squash commits, but there isn’t a commit before the one you’re trying to squash. This can happen if you mistakenly squash the first commit in the log or if there’s an issue with the rebase todo list.

Step-by-Step Guide to Resolve the Error

Verify Your Commit History

Before taking any action, ensure you understand the state of your commit history:

git log --oneline

This command will show you a simplified version of your commit history so you can identify the commit you intended to squash.

Start Interactive Rebase Correctly

Initiate an interactive rebase for the number of commits you want to modify:

git rebase -i HEAD~X

Replace X with the number of commits you want to go back. Be cautious not to include the very first commit unless you intend to reword its message or edit it in some other way that does not involve squashing.

Edit the Rebase Todo List with Care

In the interactive rebase todo list, you’ll see commands like pick, reword, or edit next to each commit. Change the pick command to squash or fixup for the commits you want to combine. Ensure there’s a commit before the one you want to squash.

Save and Exit the Rebase Todo List

After editing the todo list, save and exit the editor. Git will then attempt to reapply the commits as per your instructions. If successful, you may be prompted to edit the new commit message that will represent the squashed commits.

Finalize the Rebase

Once you have successfully squashed the necessary commits and resolved any conflicts, finalize the rebase process:

git rebase --continue

And if at any point things don’t go as planned, you can abort the rebase:

git rebase --abort

Pushing Changes to the Remote Repository

After resolving the squashing error and completing your rebase locally, you may need to push the changes to the remote repository:

git push origin branch-name --force

Be cautious with the --force flag, as it will overwrite the remote branch with your local branch.

Best Practices to Avoid Future Squashing Errors

  • Commit Incrementally: Make small, frequent commits that encapsulate clear changes. This makes squashing more manageable and less prone to errors.
  • Use Meaningful Commit Messages: Clear messages help you understand what each commit does, making the squashing decisions easier.
  • Practice with Feature Branches: Experiment with squashing on feature branches, not on main or master, to avoid disrupting the main codebase.


Encountering the “Cannot ‘squash’ without a previous commit” error in Git can be a frustrating roadblock, but it’s an opportunity to sharpen your Git skills.

By understanding the cause of the error and carefully executing an interactive rebase, you can resolve the issue and maintain a clean, navigable commit history. Remember to squash wisely, commit with care, and your journey with Git will be all the smoother for it.

Categories GIT