Troubleshooting “error: cannot find module timers/promises” in Node.js

If you’ve ever encountered the frustrating “error: cannot find module timers/promises” in your Node.js application, you’re not alone. This cryptic error message can be a roadblock for developers, causing confusion and delays in the development process.

Fear not! In this guide, we’ll dissect this error, understand its roots, and provide actionable solutions to get your Node.js application back on track.

What does “error: cannot find module timers/promises” mean?

This error typically arises when Node.js is unable to locate the ‘timers/promises’ module, signaling a breakdown in your application’s dependency resolution. The ‘timers/promises’ module is part of Node.js’s core libraries, responsible for handling asynchronous operations using promises.

Common Causes of the Error

Following are the common issue that you need to take a look to solve the error.

1. Incorrect Node.js Version

Node.js evolves rapidly, and sometimes the modules you’re using may not be compatible with your current Node.js version. Ensure you’re using a version that supports the ‘timers/promises’ module.

2. Missing or Corrupted Node_Modules

This error might stem from missing or corrupted ‘node_modules’ in your project. Run npm install to ensure all dependencies are installed correctly.

3. Package.json Misconfiguration

Check your ‘package.json’ file for any misconfigurations or discrepancies in the dependencies section. Ensure that ‘timers/promises’ is listed as a dependency.


Try following the solution to solve the issue.

1. Update Node.js

Keep your Node.js environment up-to-date. Visit the official Node.js website or use a version manager like NVM to install the latest stable version.

2. Reinstall Node_Modules

Remove the ‘node_modules’ folder and run npm install again to reinstall all dependencies. This can resolve issues related to missing or corrupted modules.

3. Verify Package.json

Double-check your ‘package.json’ file to confirm the correct version of ‘timers/promises’ is specified in the dependencies section. Make necessary adjustments and run npm install again.

4. Clear NPM Cache

Sometimes, the NPM cache can cause unexpected issues. Clear the cache by running npm cache clean -f and then reinstall your dependencies.


Navigating through the “error: cannot find module timers/promises” can be a daunting task, but armed with the right knowledge, you can overcome it successfully. By understanding the causes and implementing the suggested solutions, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle this error head-on, ensuring a smooth development experience in your Node.js projects. Remember, staying vigilant with updates and maintaining a clean project structure can go a long way in preventing such errors in the future. Happy coding!